Over the years, E3 has produced numerous activity booklets, field guides, and other print publications. Our activity booklets have been distributed to hundreds of thousands of Arizona elementary and middle school students and adults on topics including water conservation, wildlife, and desert ecology. Year after year, E3 develops new visual styles, activities, and themes to make our print publications educational and engaging.

Stormwater in the Desert
Grades: 6th-8th | 2016
Stormwater in the Desert: A Middle School Activity Book is designed to educate 6th-8th grade students about stormwater, weather, watersheds, and other science and engineering topics. In addition to classroom and home activities, students can venture into cyberspace with web-interactive stormwater games, exercises and links to useful websites. This curriculum can help teachers meet ADE standards through a variety of relevant, hands-on activities. Stormwater in the Desert is sponsored by STormwater Outreach for Regional Municipalities (STORM) in Central Arizona.

Sweetwater Wetlands
Grades: 6th-8tH, Adults | 2017
E3 has developed two guidebooks, one for 6th-8th graders and the other for adults, about Sweetwater Wetlands, a natural laboratory where visitors can observe and study wildlife, water resources, and riparian natural history. Both books include background information, as well as a field guide to common plants and animals of Sweetwater Wetlands. The student book also includes a variety of activities to be completed at the Sweetwater Wetlands or in the classroom.

Beat the Peak/Water Smart
Grades: 2nd-5th | 1995-2016
Since 1995, E3 has developed an informal children’s activity booklet focusing on water conservation and how to be “water smart.” Originally called Beat the Peak and produced annually, the booklet is now called Water Smart with new versions created every few years. Each booklet has a distinct theme, featuring "Pete the Beak," a savvy duck who spreads the word about water conservation, taking on guises ranging from super hero to pirate to politician. Sponsored by Tucson Water, each 12-page booklet is packed with fun activities, including crossword puzzles and other word games, mazes, graphic puzzles, card sets, drawing or cut-out activities, and more. Since 1995, over 100,000 of these booklets have been distributed to students in Tucson.

Da Drops & Water Smart Kids
Grades: 1st - 3rd | 1998-2017
Da Drops and Water Smart Kids is an activity booklet for 1st-3rd grade students participating in the Da Drops classroom presentation. Students learn about the water cycle, water supply, and water conservation in the Tucson Basin during the presentation, and take home this booklet of fun and exciting word games, puzzles, activities, and coloring pages to reinforce newly acquired understandings. The booklet, presentation, and related activities are aligned with ADE standards. Da Drops is sponsored by Tucson Water and offered free of charge to Tucson-area schools.

Our Water, Our Future
Grades: 4th - 5th | 2013-2017
Our Water, Our Future is an activity booklet for 4th-5th grade students participating in the Our Water, Our Future water education program. Students learn about natural and urban water cycles, Tucson's water supply, water as a limited resource, water use, water recycling, and water conservation, and take home this engaging full-color booklet of word games, puzzles, mazes, and more to follow up on their learning. The booklet, presentation, and related lessons are aligned with ADE standards. Our Water, Our Future is sponsored by Tucson Water and offered free of charge to Tucson-area schools.

Our Water Our Future
Grades: 4th-5th | Revised 2021
The Our Water Our Future Learning Guide is for 4th-5th grade students who have participated in the Our Water Our Future outreach program. Students learn about how Tucson's water sources have changed over time, investigate the water cycle, and identify ways to take action today to prepare for our water future here in the Sonoran Desert through exciting activities and video links. The booklet, presentation, and related lessons are aligned with ADE standards. Our Water Our Future is sponsored by Tucson Water and offered free of charge to schools in the Tucson area.

Water Smart Kids
Grades: 1st - 3rd | Revised 2021
The Water Smart Kids Learning Guide is for 1st-3rd grade students who have participated in the Water Smark Kids education program. Students follow water drop characters Slick and Splash as they teach about the water cycle, Tucson's water sources, and water conservation through exciting word games, puzzles, activities, coloring pages, and video links. The booklet, presentation, and related lessons are aligned with ADE standards. Water Smart Kids is sponsored by Tucson Water and offered free of charge to schools in the Tucson area.

Watching Our Water
Grades: 6th-8th | 2021
The Watching Our Water Learning Guide is for 6th-8th grade students who have participated in the Watching Our Water outreach program. With word puzzles, crtitical thinking exercises, math problems, and video links, students learn how to take better care of our water here in the Sonoran Desert and conserve for the future. The booklet, presentation, and related lessons are aligned with ADE standards. Watching Our Water is sponsored by Tucson Water and offered free of charge to schools in the Tucson area.

Desert Stormwater Discoveries
Grades: Elementary | 2022
Desert Stormwater Discoveries is an elementary school activity booklet designed to help students learn how they can protect our water here in the desert. Word puzzles, games, coloring pages, and video links help students identify the sources of water in our desert, our connection to the water cycle, and ways they can keep pollutants and contaminants out of our water. Desert Stormwater Discoveries is a free activity booklet available to students in the Phoenix Metro area and sponsored by Stormwater Outreach for Regional Municipalities (STORM) in Central Arizona.

Best Management Practices Guidebook
Stormwater Outreach for Regional Municipalities, known as STORM, is a regional organization promoting stormwater quality education within the greater Phoenix metropolitan area. Best Management Practices (BMPs) are a collection of management solutions to prevent stormwater pollution. The guidebook is designed to help homeowners, tenants, homeowners associations, landscapers, construction companies, and other members of the Phoenix Metro area community make informed decisions to help prevent stormwater pollution.

TEP/UNES Bright Students
Grades: 4th-8th | 2021
The Bright Students STEM Energy Learning Guide is for 4th-8th grade students participating in the TEP & UES Bright Students energy education program. Students learn more about natural resources and their renewable and non-renewable forms, energy transformations, and energy conservation tips through experiments, puzzles, math problems, and video links. The booklet, presentation, and related lessons are aligned with ADE standards. Bright Students is sponsored by Tucson Electric Power/Unisource Energy Services and offered free of charge to schools in Tucson, Rio Rico, Nogales, Kingman, and Lake Havasu City.

TEP/UNES Safety Land
Grades: 2nd | 2021
The Safety Land Learning Guide is for 2nd grade students participating in the TEP/UES Safety Land education program. Students learn about the dangers of electricity and natural gas by completing word puzzles, mazes, and video links, and they even receive a copy of the Safety Land game board that they can play with their family and friends. The booklet, presentation, and related lessons are aligned with ADE standards. Safety Land is sponsored by Tucson Electric Power/Unisource Energy Services and offered free of charge to schools in Tucson, Rio Rico, Nogales, Kingman, and Lake Havasu City.

SRP Powering Our Future
Grades: 4th-8th | 2021
SRP Powering Our Future is a STEM based learning guide that accompanies the Powering Our Future program for 4th-8th graders. Students further their knowledge about natural resources, renewable energy, and energy transformation through graphic novel style comics, math problems, critical thinking exercises, word puzzles, and video links. The booklet, presentation, and related lessons are aligned with ADE standards. Powering Our Future is sponsored by Salt River Project and offered free of charge to schools in the Phoenix Metro area.

Too Good to Throw Away!
Grades: 1st-5th | 2021
The Too Good to Throw Away! Learning Guide is for 1st-5th grade students who have participated in the Too Good to Throw Away! recycling education program. Students learn about natural resources, the different types of waste that we generate, and how to recycle properly here in Tucson through engaging activities and video links. The booklet, presentation, and related lessons are aligned with ADE standards. Too Good to Throw Away! is sponsored by City of Tucson Environmental and General Services and offered free of charge to schools in the Tucson City Limits.

Talking Trash in Tucson
Grades: 6th-8th | 2021
The Talking Trash in Tucson Learning Guide is for 6th-8th grade students who have participated in the Talking Trash in Tucson recycling and waste diversion program. Students learn about proper waste disposal, zero waste ideas, and how to reduce, reuse and recycle every day through creative activities and video links. The booklet, presentation, and related lessons are aligned with ADE standards. Talking Trash in Tucson is sponsored by City of Tucson Environmental and General Services and offered free of charge to schools in the Tucson City Limits.

Exploring the Anza Trail
Grades: 3rd-4th | 2021
The Exploring the Anza Trail Activity Book is for 3rd-4th grade students who have participated in the Exploring the Anza Trail living history education program. Through comics, puzzles, activities, and video links, students walk in the shoes of a settler on the Anza Trail in the late 1700s to learn more about the difficult journey the settlers faced and how they persevered to overcome obstacles to achieve their dreams. The booklet, presentation, and related lessons are aligned with ADE standards. Exploring the Anza Trail is sponsored by The National Park Service, Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail and offered free of charge to schools in the southern Arizona and Imperial Valley, California areas.

Conservation in the QC for 3rd-5th Graders
Grades: 3rd-5th | 2021
The Conservation in the QC Activity Book for 3rd-5th Graders is for students who participated in the Our Water Our Future or Too Good to Throw Away! classroom programs. Through puzzles, games, and video links, students continue their learning about recycling right and conserving water in the Queen Creek area. The booklet, presentation, and related lessons are aligned with ADE standards. Conservation in the QC for 3rd-5th Graders is sponsored by The Town of Queen Creek and offered free of charge to schools in the Queen Creek area.

Conservation in the QC for 6th-8th Graders
Grades: 6th-8th | 2021
The Conservation in the QC Activity Book for 6th-8th Graders is for students who have participated in the Blue Cart Smart waste diversion education program. Through word puzzles, math problems, critical thinking activities, and video links, studens learn more about how they can preserve their community and avoid wasting water or generating too much waste. The booklet, presentation, and related lessons are aligned with ADE standards. Conservation in the QC for 6th-8th Graders is sponsored by The Town of Queen Creek and offered free of charge to schools in the Queen Creek area.

STORM Information Rack Cards
Stormwater Outreach for Regional Municipalities, known as STORM, is a regional organization promoting stormwater quality education within the greater Phoenix metropolitan area. These three two-sided bilingual rack cards, each focused on different sources of stormwater pollution, are designed to help homeowners, tenants, homeowners associations, automotive businesses, and other members of the Phoenix Metro area community make informed decisions to help prevent stormwater pollution.

On the Air: Exploring Air Pollution Sources and Solutions
On the Air: Exploring Air Pollution Sources and Solutions is an interactive teaching kit developed specifically for 6th grade students in Washington DC, Virginia, and Maryland. The On the Air curriculum facilitates the understanding of air pollution by studying air pollutants, the Air Quality Index, ozone, particulate matter, the health effects of air pollution, community sources and solutions, and climate change. Each of the seven units consists of teacher lesson plans, student worksheets, and kit materials. Lessons are aligned with educational standards in Washington, DC; Virginia; and Maryland. The On the Air teaching kit and curriculum was developed for Clean Air Partners, Metropolitan Council of Governments, Washington DC.

Invasive Plants of the Sonoran Desert
Invasive Plants of the Sonoran Desert is a field guide developed in partnership with the Sonoran Institute, Tucson, Arizona. The field guide is intended to assist land managers, homeowners, ranchers, educators, students, and others identify non-native, invasive plant species found in the Sonoran Desert and associated riparian areas.

Land of Black Volcanoes and White Sands: The Pinacate and Gran Desierto de Altar Biosphere Reserve
Land of Black Volcanoes and White Sands is a book describing the geology, plants, animals, and human history of the Pinacate and Gran Desierto de Altar Biosphere Preserve, located in the Sonoran Desert along the US-Mexico Border. Full-color photos and maps enhance the detailed text.