Outreach Programs
Since 1993, E3 has conducted over 18,000 outreach programs, reaching over 493,000 students!
The Environmental Education Exchange develops outreach education programs on a wide variety of topics, including water conservation, recycling and waste reduction, renewable energy, biodiversity, endangered species, land use, commercialism and the environment, air quality, Sonoran Desert ecology, mining and minerals, science literacy, pedestrian and bicycle safety, living history, multicultural/border programs, and more, for municipal governments, utility companies, and conservation organizations.
E3 provides comprehensive consulting services to assist in the planning, development, implementation, and evaluation of environmental education programs. E3 staff work closely with clients to identify program and training needs and offer a highly customized approach to designing educational programs and materials, including identification of key educational concepts, lesson plans, preparatory and follow-up student activities, field excursions, and background materials for teachers and other program leaders.
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