Each participant receives an Energy Efficiency Kit.
Home Energizer Workshop
adults | Since 2012
530+ programs 14,600+ participants
The live virtual Home Energizer Workshop is a 60 minute program designed to teach an adult audience simple ways to be energy efficient at home. Each participant receives an Energy Efficiency Kit containing 4-LED bulbs, a low flow showerhead, a faucet aerator, a kitchen aerator, an LED nightlight, and more! Participants are taught how to use and install the items in the kit, and learn about other easy ways to save energy (and money) at home. The Home Energizer Workshop is sponsored by Tucson Electric Power and is offered free of charge to eligible groups in TEP service areas. To learn more and/or schedule a workshop, contact adamkingery@eeexchange.org.

Watch the TEP Home Energizer Workshop
The Environmental Education Exchange is pleased to partner with Tucson Electric Power to offer Home Energizer Workshops online and as live, virtual presentations to eligible individuals and groups to teach them how to save energy and money.
TEP customers can view the 45-minute workshop on demand at their convenience from the safety and comfort of their own home using their computer, laptop, tablet or smart phone. Live, virtual presentations also may be requested by eligible groups of 15-20 people.
To schedule an in-person workshop, please email adamkingery@eeexchange.org or call 520-670-1442.
TEP Home Energizer Workshop - English Language
TEP Home Energizer Workshop - Spanish Language
Here are just some of the no-cost energy-efficiency tips covered in the workshop:
How adjusting thermometer settings and using fans reduces your cooling and heating costs
Simple changes in energy use habits that can significantly reduce energy costs over time
Best laundry practices for lightening your energy load
Saving water and energy throughout your home
Using power strips for electronics to help fight “phantom energy” draw
The workshops compare the energy habits of different families to illustrate how they’re able to reduce their energy costs a little – or a lot – over a year’s time.
After viewing the workshop, customers are invited to visit tep.com/residential-energy-saving-tips/ for even more tips on saving energy and money throughout their home. You can also contact kits@eeexchange.org for your FREE energy efficiency kit, courtesy of TEP!
Groups wishing to schedule a live virtual presentation may email adamkingery@eeexchange.org.