Student Stories of Climate Change is a two day classroom educational program for 8th-12th graders, presented by the City of Tucson and Tucson Water.

During the classroom presentations, students learn the science of Climate Change by examining evidence from credible international agencies, such as NASA, NOAA, and NWS. Students watch short, personal stories about Climate Change from high school to graduate school students from around the world. Additionally, students explore the City of Tucson’s climate and water reliability plans, learning about the unique challenges Climate Change presents for their desert home. Students stay engaged throughout the program by using response clickers to share their preexisting perspectives about Climate Change, as well as to answer comprehension questions. Each school year, thousands of Tucson students will experience the Student Stories of Climate Change program.
For schools in Tucson, to schedule Student Stories of Climate Change click the button above. If you have questions about the program, contact our Energy Team at energy@eeexchange.org or 520-670-1442.
On this webpage you’ll find introduction videos for Day-1 and 2, as well as Student Stories of Climate Change from students, young adults, and professors from around the world.

Student Stories of Climate Change: Introduction Video

Student Stories of Climate Change: Videos
Click on locations below, or keep scrolling to explore them all.
This project would not have been possible without Tucson Water and the City of Tucson, as well as the generosity of the countless students and faculty members around the world who shared their time, expertise, and personal stories with us. Thank you for your contributions to this project!

Student Stories of Climate Change: Pakistan
Location: Pakistan
Participant: Mehreen Tahir - Graduate Student, Environmental Biology, Arizona State University
Topics: Mehreen discusses the impacts of the 2022 summer monsoons on Pakistan (which flooded approximately one-third of the country), the challenges facing girls and women to access education in Pakistan, and her research into locust immune function and the implications of locust swarms.

Student Stories of Climate Change: Kenya
Location: Kenya
Participant: Diana Githu - Graduate Student, Arid Lands Resource Sciences, University of Arizona
Topics: Diana discusses Climate Change’s impacts on pastoralist communities, her research into agrovoltaics technology, and range reseeding to rehabilitate degraded lands.

Student Stories of Climate Change: Spain
Location: Spain
Imma Garcia - Student, Valencia, Spain
Carlos Herrero - Student, Madrid, Spain
Lucía López - Student, Valencia, Spain
Paz Anaya Costa - Student, Valencia, Spain
Topics: The students discuss Climate Change’s impacts on Spain including: drought, coastal flooding, and heat waves.

Student Stories of Climate Change: Turkey
Location: Turkey
Participant: Atakan Ersoy - Student, Izmir, Turkey
Topics: Atakan discusses recent flood events in Turkey and his science project to build a river flood early warning system.

Student Stories of Climate Change: Malta
Location: Malta
Participant: Haley Xuereb - Student, Gozo, Malta
Topics: Haley discusses Climate Change impacts in Malta and her science project studying the urban heat island effect as well as how foliage can reduce its effects.

Student Stories of Climate Change: Mexico
Location: Monterrey, Mexico
Participant: Eugenio Cantú - Student, Monterrey, Mexico
Topics: Eugenio discusses the water shortage that hit Monterrey, Mexico in 2022 and recounts how the lack of running water for seven months affected him and the broader community.
Location: Mexico
Participant: Pablo Martínez Sosa - Graduate Student, Organic Geochemistry, University of Arizona
Topics: Pablo discusses his work in paleoclimatology, analyzing molecules that record temperature over time and how their work contributes to greater data accuracy across climate models.

Student Stories of Climate Change: China
Location: China
Participant: Haixiang Mao - Student, Geosciences Major, University of Arizona
Topics: Haixiang discusses sea level rise and typhoons affecting his home in Hainan, China.

Student Stories of Climate Change: Tanzania
Location: Tanzania
Participant: Tumaini Kumulali - Graduate Student, Paleolimnology, University of Arizona
Topics: Tumaini discusses paleolimnology and how changes in Lake Tanganyika’s temperature has affected fish production over time.

Student Stories of Climate Change: India
Location: India
Kaustubh Thirumalai - Assistant Professor, Dept. of Geosciences, University of Arizona
Asiya Badarunnisa Sainudeen - Graduate Student, Climate Dynamics, University of Arizona
Topics: Kaustubh and Asiya discuss Climate Change impacts on India and examine the consequences of extreme heat, and lack of modern infrastructure for the Indian people.
Participant: Kaustubh Thirumalai - Assistant Professor, Dept. of Geosciences, University of Arizona
Topics: Kaustubh discusses some of his Climate Change research with cave stalagmites and stalactites and the process of collecting and cataloging sediment samples from the ocean floor in the Bay of Bengal.
Participant: Kaustubh Thirumalai - Assistant Professor, Dept. of Geosciences, University of Arizona
Topics: Kaustubh discusses the impacts of flooding on his family in his hometown of Bangalore, India.

Student Stories of Climate Change: South America
Location: South America
Participant: Asiya Badarunnisa Sainudeen - Graduate Student, Climate Dynamics, University of Arizona
Topics: Asiya discusses her research into the South American hydroclimate.

Student Stories of Climate Change: New Jersey
Location: New Jersey, USA
Participant: Evelyn Daly-Forseth - Hurricane Sandy Victim, Sandy Hook, New Jersey
Topics: Evelyn discusses how Hurricane Sandy destroyed her home, school, and community on the New Jersey shore in 2012, and how that led her to pursue a career in sustainability.

Student Stories of Climate Change: Tucson
Location: Tucson, Arizona, USA
Participant: Regina Romero - Mayor, Tucson, Arizona
Topics: Mayor Romero discusses how Climate Change is impacting Tucson, and how the Tucson Resilient Together Climate Action plan is preparing for the future.
Location: Tucson, Arizona, USA
Participant: James MacAdam - Manager, Conservation & Stormwater Resources, Tucson Water
Topics: James discusses how Climate Change is impacting Tucson, and how Tucson Water is preparing for a water resilient future.
Location: Coronado National Forest, Arizona, USA
Participant: Sara Amiot - Forest Monitoring & Climate Change Coordinator, Coronado National Forest
Topics: Sara discusses how Climate Change is impacting the Coronado National Forest.
Location: Tucson, Arizona, USA
Angelantonio Enriquez Breault - Climate Equity Workforce and Education Director, Tucson Clean & Beautiful, Inc.
Malek - Student 17, Tree Leader, Tucson Clean & Beautiful
Noah - Student 17, Tree Leader, Tucson Clean & Beautiful
Topics: Angel, Malek, and Noah discuss the opportunities Tucson Clean & Beautiful offer to students, including being paid to plant trees throughout the Tucson community.

Student Stories of Climate Change, presented by the City of Tucson & Tucson Water, was created by the Environmental Education Exchange, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) located in Tucson, Arizona, © 2023.
Questions or comments? Email: outreach@eeexchange.org