The Renewable Students program is a unique multimedia learning experience for middle and high school students! This presentation and the related materials explore the history, science, and costs/benefits of many renewable forms of energy. Thanks to a partnership with Salt River Project, we are able to conduct these presentations throughout the Valley - at NO COST to schools!
Renewable Students has a short pre-visit video that serves as the anticipatory set to the 55 minute presentation, as well as a post-visit video for review of the program’s content. We highly recommend viewing both videos to enhance your students’ experience! Follow the link below for additional renewable energy related lessons. Our program is aligned to ADE Standards.
To schedule Renewable Students for your students, click the button below. If you have have questions or comments about the program, contact our Phoenix Outreach Team at phoenix@eeexchange.org or call 520-670-1442.

Pre-Visit Video
The pre-visit video has been designed to prepare your students for the on-site presentation.
If you cannot view the adjacent YouTube video, two downloadable video versions are available below. The high resolution file is preferable, but if your download time is too slow, or your computer doesn’t play back the larger file correctly, you may choose the low resolution file (the content is exactly the same, but the quality of the visuals is slightly lower). Be patient, as the video may take some time to download.
Pre-Visit Video High Resolution Pre-Visit Video Low Resolution
Post-Visit Video
This 5 minute video is shown to the students after the onsite presentation. The video simulates an Instagram live video and helps reinforce some of the concepts in Renewable Students.
If you cannot view the adjacent YouTube video, two downloadable video versions are available below. The high resolution file is preferable, but if your download time is too slow, or your computer doesn’t play back the larger file correctly, you may choose the low resolution file (the content is exactly the same, but the quality of the visuals is slightly lower). Be patient, as the video may take some time to download.
Post-Visit Video High Resolution Post-Visit Video Low Resolution

SRP is pleased to offer POWERING OUR FUTURE, a comprehensive and fully developed educational program focused on energy use, electricity, renewable energy, and energy conservation. Click the button below to access the full POWERING OUR FUTURE website, containing 34 ready-to-use lessons for grades 4-12.
The module for grades 4 to 6 features the eJourney, an interactive computer-based learning experience that is only available online.
The module for grades 6 to 8 includes five units and a total of 22 diverse lessons emphasizing hands-on classroom-based activities.
The high school module includes one unit of five lessons focusing on solar photovoltaic power.