Pepe Marcos-Iga worked on staff at the Environmental Education Exchange from 2002 - 2014. Pepe was a core member of the E3 team throughout those years as the International Programs Manager. We worked extensively on training programs along the US - Mexico border as well as spearheading professional development efforts in collaboration with the North American Environmental Education Association, serving as President for over 6 years. Pepe used his unflagging sense of humor, keen intelligence, and consistent drive to further broaden the message of environmental education in North America and throughout the globe on his many international travels. He was a dedicated co-worker, held in high esteem by his colleagues at E3 and became a deeply reliable friend to us all. He will be deeply missed and always remembered.

How can you Help?

Please consider making a donation to help support Pepe’s family and contribute to his children, Angela’s and Jose’s college funds.

Memorial Montage



Memorial Service Livestream

Below is a video from Pepe’s memorial service on September 22, 2018 at Green Fields School. The service starts approximately 25 minutes into the video below.